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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Meet Mrs. Spangler in the Middle!

I am very excited to join the Mob - the Middle School Mob!

My specialty is scaffolding.  I am able to break any task down to the brass tacks so that my students can get to the heart of the matter.  I have done a lot of work with scaffolding writing in specific, but I am also pretty darn good at behavior management.  
I plan to contribute as much as I can in these areas as I blog with the Mob.  

So now for a little offer you can't refuse... ;)

Do you teach students with special needs in your general education class?  You may have wondered how inclusion is meant to work.  Then you might have wondered where you could find some quick and reliable strategies to use...

And today, I'd like to thank you for stopping by selecting a lucky commenter to receive the
Special Needs Strategies Flipbook
for FREE!

 All you have to do to enter is to leave a comment about future topics you'd like to see here on the blog with your e-mail address.
Special Needs questions?
Need ideas for behavior management?  
General questions?

Comment below and let us know!  :)



  1. Hi! I am so excited to see someone with a similar job title I have. I've spent the last two years looking for a scaffolded approach to writing to help my resource special education students and haven't found exactly what I'm looking for soI've slowly been creating my own. I am interested in what you have concerning argumentative writing. Thanks!

    1. Alexis, I would love to tell you all about my argumentative writing materials, but I have no way to contact you. Please feel free to e-mail me at thewritinggarden at or visit the following links:
      Argumentataive Essay Writing with texts, Cornell notes &
      INB activities

      Argumentative Essay Task Cards

  2. Hello! I am, for the first time, co-teaching a 6th grade ELA class this year. If you have experience with the co-teach, I hope that it finds a way onto this blog! I teach 3 Science classes, 1 ELA class, and the one co-teach ELA. All 6th grade.
    Thank you!

  3. Love the reading challenge! So cool to keep kids amped about reading :)

    I've always struggled with discipline - what effective routines do you use, how do you track it, and what are the consequences? it's easier for little kids than middle schoolers!

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings
