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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Evidence Based Instagram Activity

As much as we all use Facebook, our students think it's some strange, obsolete social media that only their parents and grandparents use. (I'll admit, my grandma is an avid Facebook user, and I love it!) So we created an Instagram activity that can be used for any character in any book, poem, play, etc. We wanted to find a way to get our students engaged while also incorporating what we are always seeking as teachers - EVIDENCE BASED activities.

Here's a student example from our study of The Outsiders from last year.

We love this product because it:
- allows for creativity and student freedom
- engages students with an activity that they can relate to and CARE about
- asks students to incorporate evidence directly from the text
- requires students to justify their reasoning in their choices

Our Evidence Based IG Activity is a FREEBIE in our TPT store, so make sure to head over there and download!

We'd love to see how you use this activity in your classroom, so please share your pictures!

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