Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year New You!

I bet I can predict what you are doing right now:
  • You are in your pajamas.
  • You are on your couch. 
  • You are watching Netflix. 
  • You are relaxing. (Maybe working :) Let's be real--what teachers can really take a break?)
  As teachers, we deserve our winter break. We work extra hours at night and on the weekends and do everything for our students. Also, we survived the craziness before winter break. How many of you were feeling like this?


We should all use winter break as a time to relax, but also a time to reflect. We want to have a new year and make a new you! This is an amazing opportunity to start over or to think about how you want to change. 
Maybe you want to set a new goal? 
Maybe you want to add more engagement to your room? 
Maybe you want to not take work home? (Wouldn't that be amazing?)

Whatever you choose to do--use this opportunity to start over and start fresh with a new year and a new YOU. You are an incredible teacher and educator--KEEP GOING! Happy NEW YEAR!


  1. I realized at 4:30 that I should probably change out of my t-shirt and yoga pants (which have not seen a yoga mat, ever) and put on some real clothes!

  2. I realized at 4:30 that I should probably change out of my t-shirt and yoga pants (which have not seen a yoga mat, ever) and put on some real clothes!

  3. This is EXACTLY what I did yesterday until about 11AM :) lol! Back to work today though. Thanks for sharing some inspiration for us all!

