Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Five Fun New Year's Activities

Hey everyone! It's Caitlin & Jessica here from EB Academic Camps. We spent some time perusing the TpT world to find you some of the best New Year's Activities (in our opinion). The best part, almost all of them are FREEBIES! Enjoy!

New Year's Resolution and Goals Mobile (which I used with my class last year and made for such cute decorations!)

2016 Watch, Think, Color Games (this is actually incredibly cute and looks awesome for math practice!)

New Year Writing & Goals Activities (you know anything from Tracee Orman is fabulous)

New Year's Resolution / Goals from Addie Williams (we just love Addie and everything she creates is definitely quality)

New Year's Activity for Middle School (this is our product and obviously we think it's great - freebie, too!)

What are some activities that you do with your middle school students to kick off the New Year? Share in the comments below!


  1. Thanks for the great freebies! I had posted a similar post a few days ago that features activities that I do with my 5-7th grade ELA students. There's a terrific greebie mystery picture for parts of speech that you might like to snag. My kiddos enjoy doing these kinds of activities.


    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks for sharing your blog post w/ us! I love your ideas and have downloaded the Mystery Freebie already...can't wait to use!
      Lit with Lyns

  2. Caitlin and Jessica,
    Thanks so much for all the great activity ideas! I especially love your New Year's Activity for Middle School (maybe I'm a little partial) but already have it in my plans for when we return to school! Happy New Year!
    Lit with Lyns

  3. New Year is coming soon and it's like hitting the restart button. Now ready to focus on creating a positive experience at the office for the New Year. And the occasion is just incomplete without a NYE party, right? The following are some excellent New year party ideas for office that will let you celebrate New Year in style.
