Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Motivational Notes During Testing

March is a pretty tough month for us as teachers. And you can bet it's a tough month to get through for students as well, especially if it's testing season! 

Interestingly enough, this past weekend, we were spending our Sunday working at a local Coffee Bean with Aris from Sailing into Second, and we both started talking about testing season and the "UGH's" that go with it. She actually shared this really cute idea with us, so we wanted to share it with all of you, too!

The week before testing, Aris sent home 5 different colored pieces of cardstock to each of her students' parents. Along with the cardstock, she also wrote them a note asking if they could do the following:

- Write something funny, inspiring, motivational, or loving on each piece of cardstock. It could be a quote, a phrase, or just a simple note. 
- On Friday before testing, return them to the teacher. 

Simple, right?

Well, during the week of testing, each day, Aris was able to give every student in her class a special, handwritten note from their parents (thankfully, all of her parents wrote their cards! Otherwise, as the teacher, you could write them for your students as well.).

What a great way to motivate your students and make them feel good before taking a test!

Additionally, she also passed out these darling Motivational Testing Notes (along with a piece of candy) on each day of testing.

Super cute and pretty easy if you ask us! What are some of the ways that you help prepare your students for testing? Share with us over on our Facebook page!


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