Tuesday, March 29, 2016

BINGO Project Menu Boards

Hey all,

Tori here from An English Teacher's Journey Through the Middle, and I am going to discuss my favorite way to handle that dead period after testing.

Once state testing is over, the happy dance begins, but the looming question arises, “What do I do now?” Have no fear, project time is here. I don't mean projects just for the sake of keeping students busy and out of your hair (although that is an added bonus), but projects that provide student choice, that develop research and presentation skills, that blend creativity and productivity, and that fill those last few weeks with fun and learning.

I LOVE this time of year! Testing wraps up and I can finally start enjoying my students again. As an eighth grade teacher, this becomes a very special time because my lovelies will be heading off to high school in a few short weeks, and I want to ensure our last days together leave them with a plethora of fun memories. After dealing with the dead time after testing for 16 years, and many sets of projects that when remembered are tear-inducing recollections of stress, I have found Project Menu Boards to be the best way to fill in the after testing time.

I set up Project Menu Boards in the form of a BINGO card. The BINGO card allows for a tremendous amount of student choice, and therefore hooks students immediately. Students can complete a traditional BINGO row or column, make it simple and finish a row or column in a group, become super overachievers and bust out a project a day for the last four to six weeks, etc., the possibilities are endless.  The projects can be completed digitally or as a physical product. I also have students present at least one of their project choices to the class. This is a wonderful way to hold students accountable for completing a well-done project, exposes the rest of the class to some great information, and allows students to show off their creativity and hard work.

Hare are some pics of different BINGO Cards I have assigned to my students as well as a few completed projects:

Quotes and Explanation
Digital Timeline

Digital Memory Game

Head on over to my TpT store for a FREE BINGO card template that you can customize to suit the needs of your class! Enjoy your after testing time and please share some of your students’ amazing BINGO card projects!

Until next time,


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