Thursday, February 11, 2016

What is Builders Club?

What do you think of when I say Builders Club?
Future Architects?

Builders Club is actually a service club sponsored by Kiwanis!  Our three tenets are leadership, friendship and service.

At my school, we have an assisted living facility that is within a 5-minute walk from our school.  We visit almost monthly to play BINGO with our "Grandfriends".  It is here that students get to put our tenets into action!

We take turns calling the BINGO numbers.  You have to be precise or the Grandfriends get upset - they take their BINGO very seriously!

When we are not calling BINGO numbers, we are playing alongside our Grandfriends and lending a helping hand as needed.  We also bring some refreshments according to the season.

When a Grandfriend wins a BINGO, we provide prizes.  This trip was our "Valentine BINGO" game and so we gave out small heart-shaped boxes of candy.  Everyone won at least one box this time so everyone left at the end of our time happy.  But it's more than the prizes.  I actually had a lady come up to me and hug me because she so enjoyed being with the kids.  That's what makes it all worth it.

On campus, we work to raise money to continue being able to provide our Grandfriends with refreshments and prizes - not to mention pay our annual Kiwanis dues.  We also have officers and I have recently decided that at our bi-monthly meetings, we will begin to complete one small act of service then as well like making cards for veterans or making blankets for the Linus project.

It's a great club for the students and the Kiwanis connection has been great for me too!  As the sponsor, I am an automatic Kiwanis member.  They have monthly meetings at a local restaurant and it helps me stay in touch with our community on a deeper level. 

What service clubs do you have at your school?  What energizes that club?  I'd love to hear all about it in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea so incredibly much! I would love for more information, Lisa!
