Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Valentine Random Acts of Kindness and a FREEBIE!

Hello everyone! Mylie here from Edison Education to talk to you about something new I am starting in my classroom this year.

I don't know about your students, but this is one of the toughest times of year behavior-wise for mine. The honeymoon phase is over and it is a looooooong time until spring break with no snow days in sight (for Texas). They. Are. DONE.

Because of how snippy my students have been towards each other lately, I decided to implement a Valentine Random Acts of Kindness Challenge within my classroom.

 There is a card for each day of February leading up to Valentine's Day. On the back of each one, there is a challenge for the students to do each day. Each daily challenge revolves around and act of kindness they must do at school.  As they complete a task, they mark it off of their BINGO-like card (not pictured). Don't want to make it a challenge?? It's ok! I've got you covered with a different title.

My students were super pumped when I told them about this challenge. More were willing to participate than I originally thought would. I am hoping the forced kindness will rub off and they will turn back into the sweet kiddos that I know are in there somewhere!

Want to make your own? I have included some blank cards so that you can alter the assignment to fit the needs of your own classroom.

Be sure to head on over to my store and download this FREEBIE to do with your own students! I truly hope that they are as excited about the challenge as my own students were. We could all use any help possible to get the grumpiness to go away!

What are some things you do in your own classroom to help spark student kindness?


  1. What a cute way to get students to engage in purposeful and kind acts! Thank you so much for sharing!


  2. You are so right! My kiddos are REALLY losing focus, to put it nicely! Such a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
